September 22, 2015 | Leave a comment The last three pieces I’ve written have been miniatures (Isomorphic Haiku, Mind the Gaps, and Separation Anxiety). All are in the sub three minute category. I’m not embracing a Ramones style approach to composition – in fact, my current projects will both be quite a lot longer – but it has got me thinking a bit about form and the challenges that miniatures pose. Specifically, how do you structure things in an effective way in a short timespan? Do I condense the buildup process that I use in longer form works (the Mini-Me approach)? Or do I simplify the form and make that subservient to the main compositional idea (whatever that may be) with no real development in order to fit the mold (the Ramones approach)? Both approaches seem equally valid depending on the context, but I seem to be drifting more to the Mini-Me approach. Time to get a clone? Or just listen to more punk-rock on my way down to ICMC?