This is a really late post. I actually completed the code is September, but have been slightly overwhelmed with work, teaching, performing, and haven’t posted it yet. So here it goes… After digging deep into how MaxMSP handles NRPN’s, I’ve created a set of patches that use NRPN messages, and collections of tunnings from Sevish’s… Read More

Recently I’ve been playing around with different ideas for instruments in MaxMSP. I rewrote my GrainSieve patch as a Max4Live instrument for a performance, sketched out a bunch of stuff in my notebook that will probably never see the light of day, and created what I’m calling the Scanline Synth. Simply put: it converts images… Read More

Once again, it’s the end of summer, and I’m gearing up for another year of teaching college students all about the joy of composing and doing crazy things with computers. But since I had a little time after finishing the lectures and course prep stuff, I decided to go on a bit of a bender.… Read More

It’s really hard to figure out where to start with this one. I’ve spent more time working on Needle Point than pretty much any piece since my dissertation. In short, it’s a song cycle for tenor, piano, and computer on the subject of opioid addiction. But that’s really a gross oversimplification. It takes a little longer,… Read More

I recently purchased a Soma Lyra 8 Organismic Synthesizer. It’s a very interesting, somewhat old-school machine in the sense that there is no keyboard, just triggering contacts that fire off an envelope for one of the eight oscillators. Naturally, all oscillators have to be tuned by hand, making tuning unpredictable and somewhat messy, with a… Read More

I’ve been busy. That’s not an excuse, just a fact. But I’ve also been writing. Here’s the results. Commissioned by Catherine Ryu of Michigan State University’s Department of Linguistics and Languages, Heart Doubt was created out of the Mandarin syllables “wo ai ni” (trans. “I love you”) to show off the creative possibilities of the… Read More

I’ve been struggling with how to compose a piece in response to the rapid disintegration of norms and rights in the US under the Trump administration. While I’m generally all in for political protests, I’ve always found overtly political art to be hackneyed and ephemeral. Yet, watching the ever-coarsening discourse and the un-accountability of both… Read More

For two years, I worked closely with Dr. Catherine Ryu of Michigan State University’s Department of Linguistics and Languages in creating a unique audio database of all monosyllables in Mandarin across the various tonal levels; the Tone Perfect: Multimodal Database for Mandarin Chinese.  The goal of this project is to have an easily accessible repository… Read More

Based on a forum post, I created a quick and dirty (and very inelegantly coded) Max patch to allow control of the individual LED cells on a Linnstrument – both versions should work on either the Linnstrument 128 or 200. Both standalone versions will work with other DAWS and softsynths running (tested with Reaper running… Read More